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Face Masks – The Modern Age citizens essential accessories

Face Masks – The Modern Age citizens essential accessories

Masks do their best when everyone wears it:

Right and constant habit of mask usage is a crucial move that everybody can take to lessen their risk of transmitting and receiving COVID-19. Masks do their best when everyone wears them every day, but not all masks offer the similar protection. How good a mask fits, how good it filters the air, and how many layers it has are all essential to take into account when picking up which type of mask to wear.

No wonder about the types of face masks that are in usage and available

Here are the available and widely using face masks all over the world. N95 respirators, Cone-style masks, Disposable Surgical masks, Neck gaiters and balaclavas, Cloth masks with filter, Store-bought cloth mask, Home-made cloth masks and Bandanas.

Avoid increased spread of new COVID-19 variants

Wearing a mask everywhere by people who do not living with you or when somebody in your home is ill, is now even extra life-threatening with the intensified spread of new COVID-19 variants, some of which seem to spread more certainly and rapidly than the original virus that produces COVID-19.

Face masks – A part of a comprehensive strategy

Masks should be used as part of a complete strategy of measures to overwhelm transmission and protect lives. The use of face masks alone is not enough to deliver an adequate range of protection against COVID-19.

Precautions to be taken while the spreading of COVID-19

If COVID-19 is increasing in your community, stay safe by following some simple safety measures, such as physical distancing (social distancing), wearing a face mask, maintaining rooms well ventilated, stay away from crowds, washing your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or hankie. Check local guidance regularly where you live and work. Follow it all without fail!

Making Face Mask usage as a daily routine

Make wearing a face mask as a regular part while being around the public. The correct usage, storing and cleansing or clearance of masks are important to make them as successful as possible.

Few basics of how to wear a face mask are as follows:

  • Make sure the masks covers your entire nose, mouth and chin.
  • When you remove a mask, keep it in a hygienic plastic bag, and on a daily basis either wash it if it’s a fabric mask, or dispose of a medical mask in a waste
  • Never use masks with
  • Clean your hands thoroughly before you wear your mask on, as well as previously and next you take it off, and once you touch it at any

Stay Safe! Stay Healthy!! Stay Happy!!!

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